Friday, October 23, 2009


3 gallons of Lemonade

One gigantic Veggie Salad

4 pans of Lasagna

3 loaves of Garlic Bread

One large bowl of Steamed Veggies

1 oven heated ALL day + the awesome neighbor's oven

4 pans of Brownies

28 hungry Highland High X-Country Runners


1 Team Dinner before the STATE CROSS COUNTRY MEET


Congrats to Alec and Regan on an AWESOME SEASON.


kiyo said...

How fun, Leslie! I bet it feels awesome to share a passion for running with your kids. I hope my kids do track or cross country when they are older.
Glad my oven could be a part of the festivities!

Mark and Meghan said...

wow, that's a lot of food, and just made me hungry!