Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2 Years

In two years your baby can go from a craddle to a crib to a "big boy" bed. In two years you can rearrange the nursery so that it looks just like a kids bedroom (no changing table, no baby powder or lotion). In two years you can learn a new language, like: air annie o (where did Regan go), eat! eat! eat! (sesame street--repeated until it appears on the tv), or inckler on in ass (the sprinker is on the grass). Two years can literally fly (sit-up, crawl, walk, run) by.
But is two years enough? Is two years enough to teach a young man all he needs to know before he goes out into the world? Is two years enough to get your fill of his company at the dinner table? Is two Christmas Eves enough? Two Mother's Days? Is two lazy summer vacations enough?

Now, I am not planning a tragic family event. But Alec turned 17 Sunday. That means that if everything goes as planned (as planned from his very birth), he will be leaving us (ME!) in just 2 years. I know he will still be around when he returns but I do believe it won't be the same. WOW--2 years!!

This Labor Day weekend we celebrated Alec's Birthday, and also moved out the crib and changing table from Will's room and added a twin size bed and drawers. Thus the craziness above.