this year was exceptional.
a lot can (and does) happen in a year. the Ryan Turner family on "Zenith Street" (as William likes to declare when asked where he lives) had some substantial changes. and i am reporting that we have survived and are still surviving and are (dare I say) thriving.
to start the year Leslie changed job titles. with the new title came new responsibilities and more importantly new hours of operation. yes, I now work an 8-5 monday-friday job. i love it. i am still learning and making mistakes, but the work is challenging and the rewards are great. I cry almost everyday when leaving my baby, especially when he is crying, but we both soon feel better and the home coming is sweet. i have learned to rely (heavily) on others. of course the "working mom's guilt" is alive and well inside of me, but i am thankful i have a job i love and that it also includes a paycheck.
Ryan has retired his cooking duties over to Leslie due to a new work schedule for him as well (we are hoping that this does not last long as the kids are all starving). he is working at real estate and doing some airline reservations on the side for additional income (or flight benefits--DR here we come!! just kidding, we are not going to the DR for another 22 months, 19 days and about 3 hours).
Regan became the only Turner on campus--she loves that! she ran for and won the junior class secretary position (but I truly believe that she is running the whole school). her hair is long and unmanageable again, just how we love it. she is driving...and crashing...and losing the only set of keys--ah, teenage transportation.
Austin is pleased that his pants no longer fit him. it used to be years that the same pair of pants would fit, now it is months, and i feel like we may be looking at days. he may outgrow his older brother. he is now as tall as his mother, regan is sure to be passed in the next few weeks and alec's altitude is in sight. his hair is long and unmanageable too.....
William may be eating the same thing Austin is because he too is getting tall. he has become a professional student. he attends 2 preschools, one in english the other spanish. he has also accepted a call to the "minican buplic" mission. not sure about the date he reports.....(but he is already working on the language).
Alec graduated from high school, pedaled his bike from Logan to Cedar City, earned his eagle scout award, attended the temple, and accepted the call and reported to his mission, he made it through the provo mtc and is currently in the Santo Domingo MCC--but that is all really. he did not gain altitude or hair length.
wow, what a year! we are very blessed. can't wait to see what 2011 brings.....
Happy New Year to all our friends and family!