Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Austin!

So he did it....he went and turned the big 12!

What is a 12 year old Austin like?

Well, he was named after both of his parents (Austin being my maiden name, and then of course Ryan being his Dad's name) and it seems as if he is a perfect mix of us both:
He is fearless when it comes to stunts (anything with wheels or on the snow).
He does get a little nervous of the dark.
He has a smile that lights up a room.
He is brillantly smart....he can fix anything mechanical.
He hates to read--unless it is "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid".
He is the best big brother ever, and always spoils his little bro.
He is the best at "pushing his sister's buttons".
He has such a tender heart, he always cheers for the underdog, and has been know to stand up for the kid getting picked on.
He is very popular and has a bunch of friends.
He is a little shy.
He always seems to need a haircut.
He is very particular about the way he looks.
He loves to watch Myth Busters.

All in All he is a GREAT KID--OLD KID!