She leaves her hair on everything--just because she needs to comb more often.
She eats anything--this is a good quality as well as a bad one.
She snores, she is overweight--hey, but who isn't.
She leaves her crap (for lack of a better word) anywhere, she does not know how to pick up after herself.
She annoys (for lack of a better word) the neighbors.
BUT....she is a best friend......................
She shares.
She is a comforter, warm and soft.
She listens without interruption.
She is always available--never is too busy for sharing chats, walks, snacks, or snuggles.
She does not judge--bad words/feeling can be shared without consequence.
She is LOYAL, and very, very protective.
She is a blast--in that fun mischievous way.
She will take the fall if things go bad (from the fun mischievous behavior), never pointing a finger away from her.
Although she can run faster, she always keeps her pace just a step ahead so the chase is sooo fun.
She will play games for hours, long after others tire.
Will loves Bella. Always upon arrival back home he calls for her yelling: "Bella I ome"and then gives her a big hug. He rides her as if she was a horse. He wrestles her. He shares his meals with her, including his drinks. He mostly loves to sit next to her and play, insisting that Bella is playing with him: "Bella play cars, Bella build house", ect.
Will and Bella have been in their share of trouble together too, from getting into the cereal cupboard (cereal everywhere, including their mouths), playing chase in the house and knocking over Mom's stuff, soaking the house with bath water (Will's water), and eating a weeks supply of snacks (human and doggie).Today when Mom insisted that Will stay awake--way too late in the day for a nap. He found his best friend snuggled up and went to sleep. Bella stayed next to him for about 1 1/2 so Will could get a good nap in. (no pics because Ryan has the camera at the office--arghhh!!)
So Bella, where are you going to be at midnight tonight when the house is quiet, and everyone is asleep except for Will (and his Mom)?!?
Here are a few pictures of their friendship over the past 2 years:
Will is upset in this picture, Bella was the only one interested in trying to comfort him.
Sorry about the bare buns--some of their mischief.