Monday, October 12, 2009

Quotables from Ragnar LV

These are how I remember them--maybe not 100% accurate, but darn close.

"WTH?" Jim. In context with the mileage difference between Van 1 and Van Also.

"I want to kill myself." Eric. This was a text he sent his wife at 5:30 Saturday AM.

"Instead of counting 'roadkills', lets keep track of how many times I go to the bathroom." Catherine. We all needed to pee.

"I have popsicles!" Ryan. He left us for a short few minutes and returned with this treasure. It was heaven--never have I loved popsicles more, or Ryan for that matter.

"(slurred) I just love all you guys so much!" Jim. After he conquered his first leg--it was a killer--he was a little off to say the least. Slurred word vomit mostly. He just kept talking and talking and talking.

"Maybe you should stop talking now." Eric. Directed to Jim--see above.

"It goes so much faster when you are not the one running!" Catherine. We all thought it though.

"It is harder to watch the carnage then to be the one running." Leslie. She was lying. Although it was hard to watch Jim and Marie do their incredible legs she never would have never taken their place.

"Now that Jim is out of the car we can listen to GOOD music." Marie. Seriously--nothing more needs to be said.

"I grew CANKLES!!" Jim. In response to wondering where all his blood went after his first leg.

"We need to start thinking about......" Marie. Marie started any touchy subject like this. She knows how to communicate!

"I didn't know I was lost." Catherine. After she got lost doing a trail run in the middle of the night.

"Lets egg Van 1." Catherine. She voiced again what we were all feeling towards van
1's shorter mileage.

"(whining) Am I going to have to wear that reflective vest and butt light belt?" Leslie. She kept it in place for 2 miles then had a "clausterphobic panic" and stripped it all off--all while trying to make forward motion.

"I am He-Man and can feel NO pain!" Jim. While running.

"I am bald." Runner running by.

"And beautiful". Catherine. In response to the above runner.

"You are almost there! It is all down hill from here." Marie. She was cheering on a runner from another team--the problem was she lied. She felt so bad that she caught up with the runner and gave her some water.

"I just wanna be ok, be ok, be ok. I just wanna be ok!" Listened to and sung by Van Also. Our theme song.

Many, many more. But the best one:

"Runner 107. 107." Ragnar volunteer. As runner 12(me) came into the finish line. I was never so relieved to have finished something.


Mark and Meghan said...

love them...
what is the slap bracelet? when was that? i don't think we even exchanged it from runner to runner! :)

and i can't help but think the last part of that line was directed toward me...sad.

jim said...

Yahoo! great quotes with two exceptions....

exception #1 - Marie's about listening to good music when I was out of the car. To that I say WTH again.

exception #2 - more of a correction actually than an exception. I said, "I am He-man, I am a master of the universe." I was running see and I needed some motivation to not fall down and/or throw up. He-man would never fall down or throw up. Plus, he has the power.

Unknown said...

Leslie, you missed this fine quotable too: they made me wear a belt! A BELT! can you believe it? and it was PINK! A PINK BELT! they made me wear a PINK BELT!

good good memory, girl. love it.