Friday, February 27, 2009

Who would have thought....

I get a whole afternoon/evening/night to myself. All myself. I don't have the boys--they went to scout camp (I so wanted to go on this trip). I don't have Will (my Mom thought it would be fun if he stayed with her, instead of her coming to stay with us--I have to work tomorrow and needed a babysitter). I do however, technically have Regan, but she is more interested in her friends than she is me--I seriously can't figure out why. I am ALONE.

So what do I do? The options are endless. Movie, dinner, spa, shopping (I could spend hours in Barnes & Noble), sleeping, reading, hanging with some friends, shaving my Legs (by myself--something I haven't done since Will was a babe), and the list could go on and on.

Uh, but no. I think I will go workout and then watch the tube. Yee Haw! I am an exciting, happening gal!

CAN"T WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE BACK! (At least then I can complain that I can't get a minute to myself.)


kiyo said... are one lucky lady. I'd practically kill for a night alone. I had a whole weekend to myself about a month before Ben was born. Matt took the kids to Boise. It was bliss. Enjoy your night.

Meeker home said...

I am so glad you got an evening off! And sometimes just doing the normal things (like exercising and watching TV) without kids hanging on you and interrupting you every 5 seconds is the most fun of all.

Unknown said...

I think every mother should get at least one night all to herself as often as possible. I need to work on getting that for Jamie.

Mark and Meghan said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the nights alone. all to yourself...eating whatever you want, with out little fingers wanting half. watching whatever you want without little ears listening! it's the best. so where's the update? what did you end up doing??