My dining room table (we call it this even though we don't actually use it to dine on) has been consumed by a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. It has been for over a week now. Notice how the edge pieces have all been put together--that happened within 2 hours of dumping the pieces out onto the table, any other progress is barely noticeable.
It is not this way due to lack of energy, effort and time. Believe me, I have spent many hours puzzling over this table. So have many of my family members. At one point I had my Mother, my Brother, my Sister (in law), Ryan, myself, Alec, Austin and Jayden working to make sense of this--to create the picture that is promised to come once every piece is in place. We used up hours trying to make sense of it.
How can something that so many people have worked on still be such a jumble of separate confused little pieces? CRAZY!
On a related topic, I am puzzled over many things of late.
1. Why do I still get a killer headache after my long runs? I rehydrate, I replace protein but if I don't take a few hundred milligrams of ibuprofen I suffer with an annoying head splitting ache.
2. Why does making health care available to more people mean that my diabetic patients get their services dropped? They once (and still are!) were productive members of society, they served in wars, they held jobs and paid taxes, they produced children that joined the workforce and served America. But yet medicare (with private insurances following suit) refuse to pay for a skilled caregiver to come and give them what their own pancreas refuses to deliver--life sustaining insulin.
3. Why is my body so sore after X Country skiing for 45 minutes? I complete SPIN CLASS without the dreaded lactic acid overload--and it is hard and does not equal the amount of fun!
4. Why can't I help the ones I love in the way they need help the most? Friends, family and former patients.
5. Why does William have a love/hate relationship with escuela? He loves it one day. The next he hates it and cries when I leave him. Sad!
6. Why do some receive while others get nothing--even after working so hard?
7. Why does the dog insist on sitting on my couch?
8. Why are my children slobs? I am not.
9. Why can't I solve these puzzles? I try.
(Of course the majority of these listed are just silly--but still my mind spends too much time with them.)
I will keep trying--as we all do. Maybe most of them don't need to be solved. Maybe the result is not a picture that is worthy of hanging. Maybe it is the act of trying to solve the puzzle where the value is found.
On a encouraging note the puzzle on my dining room table will be solved. (I will post a picture.) To anyone who loves jigsaw puzzles and wants to help all I can say is: you know where I live!
side note: Ryan and I don't "do" puzzles. We just had a wild idea for New Year's--it was the puzzle. Call us CRAZY! While most of you were out living it up, celebrating the new year, Ry and I were sitting home quietly putting the edges of our new puzzle together.
Don't give up! (You never do.) The feeling you can't help those you love is just part of life. I know that is stupid to hear, but it is truth. You have done your best--that is all you can do. I can offer no advice about the workouts and stuff, but I trust you will figure it out. One piece a day--you will have your picture by next holiday season (whatever that is.) By the way, you were the same way about school and look how well educated you are.
amen on the skiing - only I can't do the spinning, so it makes more sense for me to be sore. thanks for skiing AND puzzling with me the other day. loved it.
Sorry to break it to you, but the answer to most of those questions is: you're not as young as you used to be.
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