Thursday, August 27, 2009

Killer Conversation OR Conversation Killer

William is just shy of being 3.5 years old. He started doing this right around the time he turned 3--so almost 6 months now.

Mom: "William, its time to go get something for breakfast."

Will: "Why, why, why?" (He seems to stutter when he asks why--as a matter of fact one time Austin counted up to 15 "why"s before Will actually asked the question.)

Mom: "Because you haven't had anything to eat since last night and I bet your tummy is hungry."

Will: "Why?"

Mom: "Because your body used up all the food you ate last night so it could grow strong."

Will: "Why?"

Mom: (at this point I figure I can either delve into the Kreb's Cycle with him and explore how the body uses calories....OR I can resort to the old standby, which is what I do this time--with my fingers crossed) "BECAUSE! Now lets go upstairs and eat."

Will: (This is the word I have been waiting for) "Alright." (Not only is the tone of the word priceless as well as the body language that comes with it, but it finally means that THAT conversation can end.)

Sometimes the "Why, why, why" can go on until it cycles itself around again--where the answer actually becomes the question. Sometimes the "whys" just have to end in the "Because" statement, follow up by "Arghh! BECAUSE I SAID SO!". Sometimes he NEVER--no matter how many times a answer has been given, will voice the "alright", but SOMETIMES--in a truly rare, delicious moment, after only asking "why" once will he utter the end: "ALRIGHT".

Before I hear how this is how he learns and that being curious is such a "good thing", I ask you: Have you been asked "WHY?" you do everything and anything ALL day long?

Tell me again when we hit that "girl crazy, car crashing, no homework doing" phase--the one where they don't ask "Why?" (because they already know the answer). I am READY for it!

**I am mostly just kidding, I love (no, not really love--um...find amusing) this phase. It is great to see him learn and explore everything. It is even more fun to see Alec, Regan, and Austin answer his constant questioning. They spend a lot of time and effort to satisfy his curious nature. **

(Yes Leslie, you do have it recorded--it is labled: William July 2009. You just don't want to take the time to upload it.)


Mark and Meghan said...

wow, i'm right there with you on the why question. porter is four and he still asks it WAY too many times.
love that you gave yourself a note at the end! you're on your way to organizing!!! :)

jim said...

I ALWAYS answer with the Kreb's cycle or some other very difficult to comprehend answer. It is much more fun for me to see the confused look on their face.

Jamie said...

He is too flippin' cute. And he has the cutest voice of any little guy that I know.

Kearl said...

Yeah, the "why" phase can be unending some days. Good thing he has so many brothers and a sister to help answer. Can you explain the Kreb cycle to me? Lots of times, I just almost ignore that they asked "why" and just ask them something like, "So, what do you want for breakfast? Oatmeal or cereal?"

Grandma Austin said...

Why, why, why do we put frass in the frailer and take it to the arbage? Me likes to ride in my fruck. Three year olds language acquisition is the best.