Sunday, September 28, 2008

the mundane...or just plain chaos?

6 bipeds live here, thats 12 feet total. Those 12 feet wear a sock a day (some wear more than one a day). Times that by 7ish days and this is what you get on laundry day:

a basket full of socks

When you don't match and fold these socks this is what you get from the Turner Family:

Kids who won't take the time to match up their socks so they just wear the first two socks they can find.

Mom's solution: Sock Sorting

This consists of the family gathering together in the family room. Each sitting in a designated spot--far enough as to not get in each others way. Then one member of the family (usually Dad) will throw each sock from the basket to the corresponding member of the family so that they can then match and fold their own socks. I guess you have to be there but things can get pretty crazy. After a few minutes everyone is just throwing socks. Regan throws a sock at Austin, Austin then returns fire and hits Alec, Alec then feels the need to get Austin back and there are socks all over the family room. Nobody will claim the crazy colored or worn out socks so they are the first to become ammunition.

After many a sock has been thrown and many laughs have been had a truce gets called and the socks do get sorted, matched and put away.

At least for a few more hours.


Mark and Meghan said...

that is so fun...what a good idea. i love that you took charge and planned a sock sorting party!

Stephanie said...

See I knew you were such a fun mom, even sock sorting is fun! I have to say I hate socks! They're a pain to match, etc... But I'm glad my kids aren't the only ones who wear whatever socks they cn find! ;)

Unknown said...

In all the time I've spent with Ryan, I always assumed the smell meant he never washed his socks.

Meeker home said...

What a fun and good idea. The socks do get a little overwhelming. Not looking forward to the cold weather when we have to wear them everyday!

Kearl said...

My mom used to do the basic, easy match-ups like if two socks were the same in the same load, but if there wasn't an immediate match she too would throw it in a basket to sort later. There are 7 kids in my fam., so you can imagine the pile. I like your system of sorting better. We had to sort as punishment.

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to file that away for when we have more socks to fold. laine actually prefers her socks mismatched from a time when we didn't have any matched socks for her to wear, so jim convinced her it was really cool to wear different socks. good grief.