Saturday, August 2, 2008

There comes a time in every young man's life....

He (we) has been putting it off for about 2 years now, but it is time for Alec to do his Eagle Scout Project. There are so many worthwhile things that a scout can do. As a matter of fact the Eagle Scout Project Workbook lists: build a sturdy footbridge, or set up a community study center for children who need a place to do their homework, or survey the remains of an old Spanish mission, or....

At this point I am in a full panic, I mean what happened to the days when my brother and his friend spent a summer building one picnic table for a campground nearby--and even this project seems overwhelming to me.

Well inspite of all that he (we) has decided on a project today. He (we) is going to make quilts for a nearby children's hospital (bet you can guess which one).

I actually think this will be a great project. Everyday at work I run all over my unit trying to find that one perfect quilt--for that one perfect little patient, that will make his day a smidge more comfortable. There are never enough!

So we are starting another great adventure--Eagle Scout Award here we come.

One word of advice for all you out there with young boys...start thinking NOW about a project and get your skills READY because before you know it it will be his (your) turn.

So how do you make a quilt anyway??? Stay tuned.


Meeker home said...

You are so funny. I love the (we) because let's face would never get things done without their mothers! I wish I knew how to quilt and could help you out. But once you learn maybe you (or Alec) could teach me :)

Stephanie said...

What a great project. Let me know if we (I) can help!;)

Mark and Meghan said...

wow, great idea! i love how YOU will be the one helping a LOT!! :) what can i (we) do to help???

Stephanie said...

Hey, I love the idea of a hike. When? Where? I'm all for it! Call me! I'm taking the YW to the Wind Caves on Tues. and they've already started whining!

Unknown said...

Dude, we made two tables, not one. And we did it all sans adult supervision, except when dad drilled some holes for us.

Unknown said...

well, while you're at it, maybe you ought to start thinking about where he'd like to go to college? I'm pretty sure Jim wouldn't have gotten his Eagle OR gone to college if his mother hadn't done most (all) of the work...

how come moms never get eagles? shouldn't this be a joint award or something?