So I will try and catch up on the goings-on at our house...
Alec is driving. Yes on the roads. The only time he has been pulled over it involved the following statements:
--No sir, I do not have my learners permit.
--No sir, I do not have a valid driver's license.
--No sir, we do not have proof of registration.
--You can only drive with a responsible licensed driver.
--Who is this anyway--your sister??
--No it's my MOM (in that can you believe this is happening to me voice)
--Did you know I could take you to jail right now?
--Can I please just walk home now?
Anyway alls well that ends well -- both of us have a valid driver's license now.
Alec is still running -- he did the freedom run in 1:01, taking 37th place overall and 11th in his division (darn that Mt. Crest XC team).
Regan graduated from XXX, some tears were shed. She is now headed for High School. She is in XC as well. Her latest adventure was hiking to the top of Mt. Olympus with some friends from XC--can you say BOYS.
Austin received his Arrow of Light and is looking forward to going to scouts with Dad now instead of Mom. He is going into 6th grade (now the only member of our family at XXX).
Will turned 2--need I say more (he is a two year old in a house with adults who give him whatever he wants whenever he wants--do I smell something rotten??)
Ryan and I are basically the same--just trying to keep up with our fab four.