Mmmm....hot chocolate. No matter how cold, or how much snow falls, this keeps the Turner Family warm.

Playdough can keep Will busy for hours (great for when it is too cold/wet to go outside). Too bad I have to play with him the whole time. I get bored with my playdough abilities. I have really only been able to master: a snowman (with a hat even), a snake--but that is easy, and a turtle--really just a clump of dough, but Will says it is a turtle (that or dog poop--I rather go with the turtle.)

Send the kiddos as often as possible--how much trouble can they get into with entertainment like that.
This ice scraper is actually sold as a kitchen item (something for candy makers--I'm sure I don't know). It is awesome though, it works great on my car. Too bad I don't just have a garage. This is the inexpensive form of a garage.

We don't actually have one of these and it still snows. Oh well I enjoy the shoveling. (Most of the time anyways....but don't tell my family or they will make me do it all the time.)

We were introduced to this game by my bro and sis-in-law. It is awesome and I guarantee it will keep you and yours entertained for hours. The only thing is you need someone to play with. Ry and I don't get to play too often because our kids are too busy/cool to hang with us. Anyone else game??