This is the "first" different school she has ever been to in her 8 years of education. This is the "first" time she did not have to don a plaid skirt/white blouse to go to school in. This is the "first" time she went to school without her cousin being with her--yes all 8 years her best friend/cousin was there (not always in the same class but always same school with a cubby right next to hers). This is the "first" time there were more than 28 kids in her same grade (let alone class). This is the "first" time she will use a locker.

This is the "first" time her mom circled the parking lot of the school trying to catch a glimps of her to make sure she was okay. This is the "first" time her mom cried when she got out of the car (yes, kindergarten did not even make me cry).
Congratulations Regan--You did great. You are going to have an awesome Highschool experience.